Attentato terroristico alla stazione di Bologna

Other title(s): [Miscellanea Questura Bologna 3 : Attentato terroristico alla stazione di Bologna]
Genre: Amateur film
Year: 1980
Runtime: 00:14:00
Description: [Terrorist attack on Bologna railway station] 4 August 1980, two days after the massacre at Bologna railway station, a crowd of citizens gathers in Piazza Maggiore. Followed by footage of the bomb-damaged station. 6 August, a funeral service is held for the victims.
Keywords: IMediaCities
Provider: Cineteca di Bologna
Rights: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Production company: Questura di Bologna
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection